The Eternum Quartet, an aspiring and vibrant saxophone ensemble hailing from Germany, Cologne. With its inception in 2017, this quartet is the result of a serendipitous meeting of four exceptionally talented musicians who converged under the guidance of saxophonist and pedagogue Daniel Gauthier at the Academy for music and dance in Cologne. This formation would become the embodiment of perpetual dedication to their craft and an unwavering commitment to excellence. Quartet stands out in particular because of its distinctive sound, which impresses with its warmth and variability and represents a perfect fusion of the four instruments. In 2022 they completed their chamber music studies with Han-An Liu, also in Cologne.
The quartet received more musical impulses from Georg Klütsch, Koryun Asatryan, Friedemann Berger, Konstantia Gourzi, Christian Wetzel and Barnabás Kelemen, among others.
The Eternum Quartet gives concerts throughout Germany and other European countries, for example in the Konzerthaus Berlin, the Allerheiligen Hofkirche in the Munich Residenz and the Beethovenhaus in Bonn.
In 2021 they won 2nd prize at the "August Everding Competition for Saxophone Quartet" in Munich. In 2020, Eternum was selected for the "WDR 3 Campus Concert" as a representative of their university, as well as for the "Best of NRW" concert series. The ensemble has been sponsored since 2016 by "Yehudi Menuhin - Live Music Now Köln e.V." and in 2018 by the "Werner Richard - Dr. Carl Dörken Foundation".
In 2023 they released their debut CD by GENUIN with works by Johann Christian Bach, Alexander Glasunow and two commissioned compositions by Konstantia Gourzi and Helena Cánovas i Parés.